Monday, June 30, 2008

Tragedy in the Pines

Yesterday while I was at work, 2 helicopters crashed just about 1/2 mile east of the hospital over McMillan Mesa. Luckily the crash did not happen over any homes, and no pedestrians/drivers on the ground were injured. Reports say that 6 people died in the crash and 4 were transported to the hospital. The crash was so loud that our therapists in our office on the 3rd floor of FMC thought it happened on the helipad outside our office. A lot of smoke could be seen from our third floor windows here, but no fire. Names are to be released at the Flagstaff City Hall at 9:00 this morning. Whatever your method of good wishes may be (thoughts, prayers), please send them over this way, to the friends and families of the victims. Hopefully I will write again soon, and the message will be more uplifting...