Thursday, April 26, 2007

Why I Love Bryan

The subtitle to this blog should also read: and why I haven't been blogging in quite some time! This is because I've been studying for our Grand Poobah PT final, which I took yesterday. And now to one of the many reasons why I love Bryan. He was able to hypnotize me for the first time yesterday to help me relax before the big test, and it couldn't have been better timing. He took me through a script specifically designed for test anxiety, which let's just say I don't lack.

Some of the ideas in the session really got me to thinking. The script was about how sometimes we loose sight of how we used to be as kids: wondering and marveling at newfound knowledge, and reveling in the possibility to use that knowledge. It's far too easy at this point in my life to view knowledge as a burden, just something I need to cram into my head at the last minute for yet another midterm or practical exam. So as much as I can, I'm going to try to hang on to my inner child, espcially since I turn 23 on Saturday.

Thumbs up to: Bryan and inner children. (Also the Sun's smackdown of the Lakers on Tuesday night!)

Thumbs down to: Even THINKING about relaxing gun laws in the wake of Virginia Tech.


Mark A Hanna said...

Am I getting this right? Bryan hypnotized you into thinking you love him? Maybe I missed the point :-) It's good to hear from you again. How did the test go?

Colleen said...

No... Bryan didn't hypnotize me into thinking I love him. I'm just so thankful that he understands me well enough to know what I need/how to help in times of stress. The test went well; I passed!