Friday, July 21, 2006

Raven Rant Part II

After being flown at the third time by ravens (and two of them at that) today, I started realizing something. As a species on earth (Homo sapiens) we are governed by our tend toward natural selection. That is, just like any other species, we will protect our territory, fend for our young, and do just about anything to increase the numbers of our species. This is what natural selection is all about: survival of the fittest so that the fit can reproduce for the ultimate survival of the species.

As humans, however, we have super-species capabilities. We have the ability to reason about the state of our species in concert with the state of all other species and our biosphere: Earth. Whether you believe in some interpretations of the Bible that we are "stewards of the Earth," or in natural selection and evolution, at some point, we have to consider the consequences of our wasteful actions as a species. Such actions mean both that we are bad stewards and that we are not acting in the best interests of our species.

Say we go the natural selection route. If we acted in the best interests of our species, we would understand that the small things we do today that harm the environment are not worth the ultimate consequences we will reap in the future. We would realize that sustainable living is the only solution to the survival of our species.

Something to ponder: What is “sustainability?” Living in balance and interacting with our communities and our planet in ways that will sustain all forms of life now and in the future. (from Yes! magazine's FAQ page on their website,

In other related musings, how ironic is it to create 1,000 (disposable) stickers for the Kids for Conservation program at the Coconino Community Fair coming up this September? Ah, the clash of the office place and personal beliefs.


Mark A Hanna said...

How goes the summer? Well, I hope. I imagine you have already viewed "An Inconvenient Truth", but your entry is very much of a like mind. Keep the good stuff coming!

Mark A Hanna said...

Your readers need an update!