Thursday, March 08, 2007

PT Interviews (Is it that time of year again?)

Tomorrow are the PT applicant interviews for NAU. I can hardly believe that it's been an entire year since I was in the applicant position. I've come up with my questions that I will ask the students, and hopefully they work out well. I was never too fond of those "if you could be a type of (fill in the blank), what would you be and why?" Those questions are designed to test stress, but I think they are still irrelevant.

I rember being so nervous for my interviews. The (then) first year students kept encouraging us to relax, that everything would be low key. NAU did manage to pull off low-key interviews, but it was still almost impossible to relax. That's why I'm glad I'm not an usher tomorrow. I don't think I'd be able to tell the applicants anything else but to "relax." I guess somehow, you just have to put your best face forward and know that everything will turn out fine.

It is surreal to me that I will be meeting some of next year's potential PT students. These students are such a great group and will really be able to help people someday, as will my class. I'm so glad this is the profession I chose in life. I couldn't think of a more useful job that contributes to society more (for me).

Thumbs up to: People who find their jobs/careers rewarding and whose jobs have aspects of altruism to them.

Double thumbs up to: American Idol producers, who announced their intent to use American Idol as a fundraising tool to help decrease poverty in Africa and the United States.

Give the ax to: Not much. Another great day in Flagstaff, where average temperatures in the mid 40's really makes you appreciate those 60 degree days like today.


Mark A Hanna said...

It's good to once again be able to read about what's going on in your life and in your mind. You're coming up to that time when examination and evaluation will be intense. You are obviously up to it!